Programs » How do I help my child with math homework?

How do I help my child with math homework?

A modern Mathematics curriculum like Eureka comes with a ton of support for parents. You may not have learned math this way, but we will make sure you have the support that you need. Your child's homework book will have homework support included. Your teacher may also send home documents with tips and suggestions on how to support their learning. However, we will provide that information here as well.

Parent Tip Sheets: To help parents address questions children may have about Eureka Math at home, they have developed Parent Tip Sheets that provide an overview of each topic. These tip sheets include suggested strategies and models, key vocabulary, connections to previous learning, and tips for how you can support your child’s learning at home.  They are arranged in the same sequence as the student homework, making it easy for parents to follow along with their child’s progress. Click here to access (English) (Spanish)

Homework Helpers are grade-level, spiral bound books which provide step-by-step explanations of how (and why!) to work problems similar to those found in Eureka Math homework assignments. There is a Homework Helper to go with every homework assignment in the curriculum. Homework Helpers are embedded in every student's Math homework book.